Monday, May 19, 2014

What we think, determines what we see

What I heard and read indicated that being able to stretch and twist was critical to scoring in the 70’s and 80’s in a round of golf.  Throughout my four years playing golf, I told myself that what would ultimately hold me back was my body’s inflexibility.

So, when I began studying the physics of golf, I was a bit surprised to find that while it can be important, flexibility is not fundamental to forming a smooth easy golf swing that rockets a drive 250 yards.  What is more amazing to me is that I began hitting the ball further while maintaining and improving my accuracy.  Why amazement, because I began to see others (really good golfers) maintaining looseness and suppleness in their wrists and arms throughout their swing. 

Had these golfers all changed their swings?  No, I simply was seeing something for the first time… something that had always been there. With these “new” observations, I see a path to playing golf down in to the rarified air of scratch golfers. 

A part of the work I do with my business clients, is getting them to see a belief that they have and how that belief is limiting them.  My client’s often believe something exists and that belief is keeping them from growing their businesses in a sustainable way.  Here some examples of limiting beliefs that clients I have work with have held:

• I have too much to do and can’t focus down on one thing
• If I just work harder, the company can get over this hurdle
• There is no way I can train our team.  I just need to get people who have done this before. 
• We can’t finance our growth and no bank will finance it. 

Many of the CEO/business owners in our Excell Groups, tell me that a big part of the value in their group is looking around and seeing others who have not let their beliefs limit the growth of their businesses and then lay down that belief and go grow their own business. 

Ask yourself, “What do I see and does my belief around what I see hold me back?”  Love to hear some of your thoughts/beliefs and what you would like to do about them. 

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