But now that you're back from vacation, and ready to work, take a look at the articles that gained the most traction with the Excell community last week. Including, of course, Tom Brady.
1) When Tom Brady calls, or is in court, people pay attention. But how does "deflategate" reflect on his leadership qualities -- and what does the ruling mean for the definition of leadership, overall? Good leaders, according to the author, display the "right stuff." And, this Forbes article questions whether Tom Brady displayed the honesty, integrity, and trust that make great leaders. Ouch.

"there's no immediate business value to be drawn from writing regularly, and it takes away the time you might spend developing your product or speaking to investors..."
Are you nodding your head in agreement? Well, if you are the open-minded sort, you might want to check out how this Fast Company author went on to outline five reasons why he recommends that all entrepreneurs start blogging. Mind blown.

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